Ordering process

Once you have found the desired product, you can add it to your shopping basket without obligation by clicking on the "Add to shopping basket" button. You can view the contents of the shopping basket at any time without obligation by clicking on the "CART" button. You can remove the products from the shopping basket at any time by clicking on the box "REMOVE" behind the product and then "UPDATE". If you want to buy the products in the shopping cart, click the button "CASH". You will then be asked to enter your personal data, select the method of payment and confirm that you have read the customer information. You can cancel the order process at any time or complete it by clicking the "BUY" button. Of course you can correct and/or change your given data in the order process at any time by "BACK" in your browser. Or you use for your corrections the change buttons (CHANGE) in the summary before delivery of your order.

Conclusion of contract

The presentation of the products in our internet shop is not a legally binding offer, but a non-binding online catalogue.

The subject of the contract is the sale of goods via our internet shop. After entering your personal data, successfully completing the individual order steps and clicking the corresponding button in the final step of the ordering process, you submit a binding purchase offer for the goods contained in the shopping basket. Before sending the order, you have the opportunity to recognize any input errors and to correct and/or change them with the help of the correction function.

The confirmation of the receipt of the order follows immediately after sending the order. This automatic confirmation of receipt merely documents that we have received the order and does not constitute acceptance of the order.

We are entitled to accept your order within 2 working days after receipt by sending an order confirmation in writing or in text form (e.g. email), in which you are requested to pay or the delivery of the goods is confirmed. A binding contract can also be concluded before this if you choose an online payment method and make the payment immediately after sending the order. In this case, the contract is concluded at the time when the payment service provider confirms the execution of the payment order to you.


Contract language and inspection of the contract text

The language available for the conclusion of the contract is German.

The contract text (order text) is stored. You can view the general terms and conditions at any time on our website and save them on your computer. The concrete order data are sent to you by email and are visible with registration in the LogIn area.


This is how our online shop works - steps briefly explained


1. select product

Take your time to look around the website and let yourself be convinced by the product and price. Once you have decided on your desired item, click on the large blue button with the designation "Add to shopping cart" to the right of the main picture, directly below the product description.


2. configure product / determine quantity

At this point, you can specify the number of the desired article. With the button "Add to shopping cart" the selected quantity is added to the shopping cart.


3. add to shopping cart

You will receive a confirmation on the right hand side which product you last added to your shopping cart. With the button "Go to checkout" the complete content can be displayed in your shopping cart.


4. view shopping cart

In the shopping cart you will find the current content of your purchase. On this page you can make changes at any time. You can add other products or - under the column "Quantity" - remove existing ones or increase or decrease the number of products. With the button "Checkout" you switch to the payment process.


5. cash register / payment process

You can place an order both once (without registration) or as a registered user. For this a one-time free registration is necessary.


5.1 Addresses

On this secure page you enter your name, address and other personal data. You can also enter a separate delivery address. The mandatory fields are marked with a *. Once all the necessary information has been entered, press the "Continue" button.


5.2 Shipping

Here you can choose from one of the offered shipping options.


5.3 Payment

On this page you can select the payment method. Once you have made all the necessary entries, click on the "Next" button.


5.4 Checking and sending an order

On this page you will find an overview of the selected articles. Here you can check your entries again.

After you have taken note of the "AGB"/"Datenschutz/Werkruf", please confirm the selection box. By pressing the button "BUY" the data of the order will be transmitted to us. After clicking the "BUY" button, the order process is completed.

With appearance of the reference side your order arrived with us. Thank you very much!

The process can be aborted at any time by closing the browser window. On the individual pages you receive further information, for example about correction possibilities.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator